Friends of Itamar

GeneralItamar News July 10 2009

Itamar News July 10 2009

July 10, 2009

1. The Goldsmith family held a special thanks giving meal on Wednesday night after experiencing a miracle that occurred in their home that same morning. Here is the amazing story! Their daughter Achishena was sleeping in her bed in the late morning hours while the Israeli army was training in the shooting range about a kilometer and a half away right below Itamar. The unusual thing was that the army was practicing with heavy machine guns as opposed to the normal routine of using light weapons like m-16 rifles etc. A stray bullet from a FN MAG 58 7.62 mm (a Belgium weapon used by the Israeli army) penetrated the exterior wall of Achishena’s bedroom on a direct course towards her. The miracle was that the bullet hit the chest of drawers near the wall upon entry and was deflected slightly higher and skipped over her head and went into the book case on the other side of the room. Achishena remained sleeping throughout the whole incident and later woke up without noticing what had happened. At around one o’clock, when her older sister Merav came to the room, she started to yell “who made a hole my wall”. Leah came and called Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith who was in the Itamar office at the time to come home quickly. She yelled “someone opened fire on the house!” The Rabbi came running home together with the head of Itamar security and discovered the amazing miracle that had occurred. The army and police were called in and took pictures of the event. Later on the head of the Shomron Brigade came personally together with other army personal to apologize for the terrible accident. That evening, Rabbi Mayor Moshe and Leah Goldsmith decided to make a special meal to thank Hashem for the miracle that happened to their daughter. At the celebration another amazing story was brought up, when Leah recounted to the guests how a few years back Achishena who was only 10 years old saved a girls life in a nearby community that was drowning in a pool. Achishena while swimming underwater noticed something floating on the bottom of the pool that she thought was a bag. When she got closer to it she saw that it was a young girl whose mouth was open and unconscious. Achishena, with all her strength (only ten years old) picked the girl up and started to scream “help someone drowned.” The mother of the girl fainted on the spot and the life guard quickly called and ambulance and they gave her mouth to mouth resuscitation and thank G-D the girl was saved. Achishena who saved a life merited in Hashem saving hers! Enclosed are some pictures of the miracle. width= width=

2. Itamar wants to express its gratitude the community of Anshay Chesed of Woodmere NY and a special thanks to our dear friends Eddie and Fern who have been helping the children of Itamar enjoy their summers over the last four years by providing tremendous assistance towards our summer camp program. There is no way that we would have been able to do this without them. We send that the warmest blessings from our community! Please enjoy the pictures of some of the activities that were held this week. width=

3. The Nichalim Succot Company, the NY branch, is buying Itamar olive oil to give out as presents to their clients in NY. Enjoy the picture of the delicious organic olive oil of Itamar being packaged. width=

4. Itamar enjoyed the visit of Tom W. and Tim from the U.S.A. Tom brings in groups every year to Israel that work in agriculture on different communities in Judaea and Samaria. This fall they want to bring a volunteer group that will help out the farmers of Itamar. Enjoy the picture of them with Shimon Bardah a resident of Itamar that has a perfume factory on one of our hilltops. width=


5. Please read Leah’s new torah thought for the week

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