Itamar News January 25th 2008
1. The people Itamar want to express our love and gratitude to Hashem for allowing us to merit in the most beautiful Torah celebration in the world! Those who participated in the event described it as a dream; others said that it was like the Simchat Bet Hashoava that is celebrated in the Bet Hamikdash! It was a tremendous spiritual up lift for all! We want to thank all those wonderful people that made this special Simcha event possible. The merit of being part of such a Mitzvah has no boundaries! The letters and portions that you purchased are an everlasting acquisition in the Torah. May this great deed stand at your side for you and your family for all generations. See enclosed slide show.
2. Mazal Tov to Barak and Sarah Melet upon the birth of their daughter after 7 boys!
3. Mazal Tov to Alon and Rachel Zimmerman upon the birth of their second grand daughter
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