Itamar News April 2nd 2009
1. A special thanks to Alan and Barbara Hirsch from Brooklyn NY for their tremendous Pesach project. In their merit over 1000 families throughout Yehuda and Shmoron were helped out for the coming Pesach holiday. Over 150 families in the Itamar Schechem region alone benefited from this remarkable undertaking. Each family received Matzot Shmurah, wine, grape juice, meat, chicken, potatoes, lollypops and a personal money gift in order to make their holiday special for them. There are no words to describe the happiness this Mitzvah brought to these families. Itamar blesses Alan, Barbara and their precious family that Hashem should give them all happiness, good health, strength, Parnasa Tova and success in all their endeavors! It goes without saying that we extend our blessings to all the wonderful people that participated in this project.
2. On the Monday of Chol Hamoed Pesach Itamar will begin the 25 anniversary celebrations of the establishment of our community which was founded in 1984. In honor of this event a special festival will be held on our Yeshuv on Monday April 13. The event includes a whole day happening from 10:00 through 5:00. At 6:00 in the evening in the regional center there will be a performance opening up the 30 year celebration of returning to the Shomron. We want to extend our personal invitation to all our dear friends of Itamar.
3. Itamar welcomed the visit of Henk Poot from Holland this week. Henk a personal friend of Itamar, has been helping out in the tutoring project for our high school students with learning disabilities. We bless Henk and his Family for this special mission. Henk is a great friend of Israel and is involved in many other missions throughout Israel.
4. Itamar enjoyed the visit of Ron and Laurie Goldsmith who visited with us this week. Ron and Laurie have been a tremendous help to the Friends of Itamar. We extend our special blessings to them as well and wish them all a happy and healthy holiday.
5. Mazal Tov to Hodayah Chay and Avraham Zepel who were engaged this week. Hodayah is the daughter of the Rabbi of Itamar Harav Natan Chay and Avraham is a former student of the Itamar high school, Chitzim.
6. Mazal Tov to Yehuda and Mivaseret Rekenatti on the birth of a daughter this week. Yehuda and Mivaseret both grew up on Itamar and continue on as second generation residents. Mivaseret’s father, Shlomo Miller, was killed by terrorists on Itamar a few years ago.
7. Please read the new Torah thought for the week by Leah
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