Friends of Itamar

GeneralItamar News April 20th 2012

Itamar News April 20th 2012

  1.  width=Mazal tov to Hagar Zar on the birth of more grandchildren twins – a boy and a girl.
  2.  Mazal Tov to Yinon Diomont the head of Itamar security on his engagement to Gili.
  3. Mazal Tov Tov to Shichanyah and Yael Zevin on the birth of a son.
  4. Itamar enjoyed the visit of Rabbi Chaim and Rena Richman from the Temple Institute who came with a group of American tourists from Minnesota.  They had a great tour of Itamar and enjoyed the Yogurt experience on the Itamar neighborhood farm Givot Olam.
  5. Itamar extends a warm welcome to Lisa and Deena Walker from Washington State. Lisa and Deena are very special friends of Itamar. width= width= width=
  6. The Itamar high school Chitzim visited the special holocaust museum Ariel. Ornah and Yaakov Vadislovski a husband and wife team who both survived the holocaust. They were saved by righteous gentiles and have devoted their lives in setting up a museum in Ariel. Anyone who comes to Israel must visit go and visit. They have a very special collection of statues depicting the terrible nightmare of Treblinka death camp made by sculptor artist  Shmuel Wilinberg who survived Treblinka.
  7. Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s new torah lesson for the week.

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