Itamar News April 20th 2012
- Mazal tov to Hagar Zar on the birth of more grandchildren twins – a boy and a girl.
- Mazal Tov to Yinon Diomont the head of Itamar security on his engagement to Gili.
- Mazal Tov Tov to Shichanyah and Yael Zevin on the birth of a son.
- Itamar enjoyed the visit of Rabbi Chaim and Rena Richman from the Temple Institute who came with a group of American tourists from Minnesota. They had a great tour of Itamar and enjoyed the Yogurt experience on the Itamar neighborhood farm Givot Olam.
- Itamar extends a warm welcome to Lisa and Deena Walker from Washington State. Lisa and Deena are very special friends of Itamar.
- The Itamar high school Chitzim visited the special holocaust museum Ariel. Ornah and Yaakov Vadislovski a husband and wife team who both survived the holocaust. They were saved by righteous gentiles and have devoted their lives in setting up a museum in Ariel. Anyone who comes to Israel must visit go and visit. They have a very special collection of statues depicting the terrible nightmare of Treblinka death camp made by sculptor artist Shmuel Wilinberg who survived Treblinka.
- Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s new torah lesson for the week.
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