Itamar New updates May 20th 2016
Itamar welcomed the visit of our old friends, the Chacham family that came to tour our community. We had a delicious breakfast of scrumptious garden vegetables, olives, organic goat cheeses, yogurts, hard boiled eggs harvested right here on the free range ranch of Givot Olam.
We suggest this as a wonderful way to begin your tour of the Shomron!
Mazal tov to the Mydani family on the Brit Milah of their new grandson.
As the summer approaches, we want to remind our dear friends that Itamar’s children summer camp program relies on the sponsorship of Friends of Itamar. Please help our precious children enjoy their summer. For those interested in assisting please see this link.
Itamar’s Yeshivah high school -Chitzim is G-D willing going to begin the building of the first of four dormitories breaking ground on its permanent campus. The Ministry of Education has agreed to participate in providing funds for half of the project. In order to release the funds we have to come up with the other half: matching funds. Yeshivat Chitzim is a very special high school that specializes in helping students with learning disabilities like ADHD and PTSD. Its students come from all over Israel and actually live and dorm on the premises. We are short 300 thousand dollars. If anyone is interested in helping us with this important building project please send in your support or contact us. The power of numbers is amazing if we can get enough people involved we can get this project off the ground!
Also our nursery project is more than half way completed. In a matter of a few months, we will be able to move the babies and toddlers out of the asbestos buildings into a healthier and more solid environment for Day care. Again, we are looking for a sponsor for this critical project and will be happy to inaugurate the building in that person and / or family’s name.
Enjoy the beautiful cherry tomatoes grown right here in our organic hothouses. Um! Nothing like it!
Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s new lesson in memory of his father Lester Goldsmith Z”TZL whose memorial will take place on Monday the 15th of Iyar.
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