August 1st 2008
August 1, 2008
1. A special thanks to Jessica Katz of Passaic NJ and all the people involved in her clothing Chesed drive. This week we received boxes of clothes for the Itamar families that are blessed with a lot of children! It went very well and people were just thrilled.
2. Thursday night Erev Rosh Chodesh Av the Yar Tzeit of Aaron Hacohen, there was a rear entry to the village of Awarta near by Itamar to the holy grave sites of Itamar and Elazar the sons of Aaron the High Priest. Our community is named after the grave site of Itamar which is just minutes away from our Yishuv. People came from all over Israel to participate in this event. It is a very special privilege to have such a holy place so close by. Enjoy the enclosed pictures.
3. Our teen boys had a very special week in Elat where they went scuba diving as part of the summer program on Itamar.
4. The Itamar campers are having a fantastic summer!
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