Itamar News Januaray 20th 2012
- This Coming Thursday the 2nd day of the month of Shevat a memorial service for the Fogal family will be held in Jerusalem in the Yeshurun Synagogue. Since eleven months will have passed since the massacre, it is customary to stop saying the Kaddish prayer. The following month a special memorial event will be held on Itamar remembering the terrible tragedy with torah classes and dedicating the new Beit Medrash of the Yeshivah Gevoah more information about this second memorial event will follow.
- Mazal Tov to Moshe and Odelah Asulin family on the birth of a grandson.
- Itamar welcomed the visit of the Israeli Minister Yuli Edelstien who led a large group of foreign press reporters to tour the Shomron. The esteemed reporter Lars Larson attended as well. The guests heard about the community of Itamar from Mayor Moshe Goldsmith and his wife Leah.
- Enjoy the clip of the Itamar youth showing pride in their flag!
- What Rabbi Goldsmith’s Torah lesson on this week’s portion.
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