September 25, 2009
1. Itamar enjoyed the visit of Tom Waller together with his group of other American supporters of Israel. The group was so special and included people from different states like Tennessee, Ohio, OK, Kentucky, California, and more. We want to express our great appreciation for their coming to show their support with Itamar.
2. Itamar enjoyed the visit with Jon Bensinger and his son who came to tour Itamar this week.
3. Mazal Tov to Rami and Shoshy Odeser on the engagement of their daughter Racheli. Rami and Shoshy just married off their son two weeks ago!
4. The regional council under the leadership of Mayor Gershon Misika held a party this week to bless the different mayors of the 30 Shomron towns. Knesset member and vice prime minister Moshe (Boogie) Ya’alon from the Likud party came to address and bless the Shomron communities.
5. Enjoy Leah’s new Torah thought on the Parasha
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