Rosh Hashanah Message – the meaning of the Shofar
Dearest Friends of Itamar, It is hard to believe that another year is here. Rosh Hashanah brings us all back to the sixth day of creation where Hashem created man. It is brought do
Rosh Hashanah message for 5773 by Leah Goldsmith
In reviewing the past year as we are about to enter a new one, I take a long hard look into myself gazing open mouthed at times at how I maneuvered from one scene to the next, and
New Year Letter From Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith
Dear Friends of Itamar, The highlight of the Rosh Hashana prayers has us beseeching: “Inscribe us in the book of life… grant us life which we will use for Your sake,
Parashat Nitzavim The Palestinian Myth – Standing strong with Israel Happy Birthday World
Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith Deuteronomy 29:9
Rosh Hashana the connection between the Shofar and Sarah
Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith’s thoughts on the New Year
Rosh Hashana – The Time of Your Life – 2010
Rosh Hashana – The Time of Your Life September 8, 2010 If Pesach’s design is to set one’s house in order and remember leaving Egypt, the ten Days of Repentance beginn
Rosh Hashanah the concealed holiday – 2009
Rosh Hashanah the concealed holiday September 18, 2009 Our sages bring down in the tractate of Rosh Hashanah (11A) a list of events that occurred on Rosh Hashana (New Year) two of
Rosh Hashanah 5769
Rosh Hashanah Thoughts 5769 In a world that we balance our lives between the practical accomplishments of our goals and spiritually yearning for the unreachable, Elul is a time tha