Leah’s Blog Parashat Miketz
Leah’s Blog – Miketz – December 2023 – this blog is dedicated to the compete Refuah of Aryeh Menachem Moshe ben Deena Tovah Unlike most of you, I love win
Leah’s blog Dec 10th 2020
Way before I met and knew Shakid, and our other Pashtun brothers, I thought I knew everything about Yosef HaTzaddik. Joseph’s tomb site was once a secure attachment for us. L
Leah Goldsmith’s blog
“Ve’emunatcha Baleylot”(With faith at Night)- Mikeitz-Chanukah The portions of Yosef come to light during the darkest days of the year always at the end o
Why do we eat Potato Latkas on Chanuka?
On Itamar there once lived a very special person known as Mark in Russia – but we called him by his birth name Meir’ka (Hebrew meaning to shine). Meir’ka inspired
Answers to Chanukah Quiz from last week
Answers to chanukah quiz 1- His brother Yonatan 2- Adjacent to the candles but differenciated from the rest of the candles 3- Yes 4- Yes 5-