Leah’s Blog Parashat Vayeshev Chanukah 2021
Dear Rabbi & Rebbetzin / Moshe and Leah Goldsmith, It’s my humble pleasure and honor to be a part of Eretz Yisrael, especially during these unfathomable ti
Leah’s Blog Parashat Vayishlach 2021
Leah’s Blog – Vayishlach – The Pit and Pendulum – November 2021 A few years ago a movie crew came out here to do a film about Itamar. (It should be coming o
Leah’s Blog Vayetzeh 2021
In the wake of a series of terror attacks that left our community aching and needing help, we were plunged into the wide world to tell our story to whoever was willing to listen. B
Leah’s Blog Parashat Toldot 2021
Toldot – the Ultimate Oxymoron The root was planted with Abraham, a strong foundation with deep yearning to dig in even deeper. Something in Abraham awakened the kernel there tha