Itamar News Updates Feb 26 2016
We would like to express our condolences to the families who have lost their dear ones in the latest wave of terror here in Israel. We must respond by continuing to strengthen Isra
Essay on Parashat Ki Tisah the light of redemption
Everyone is familiar with the famous sculpture of Italian artist Michelangelo depicting Moshe Rabeynu with two horns. The source of his inspiration was obviously this week’s
Leah’s Blog Feb 26 2016
Leah’s Blog The Golden Calf February 26, 2016 Growing up Jewish in the 1970’s meant a lot of different things depending on your own personal experience.
Itamar News Updates Feb 19 2016
Itamar News February 19, 2016 We welcomed Scott and Suzi Goldberg from North Woodmere this week. They had a chance to see how it has grown and blossomed over the last few years and
Itamar News Updates Feb 12 2016
This week we had the pleasure of experiencing the new art gallery featuring beautiful ceramic pots cups wall ornaments and vessels on a very high level of finish on the Gideon Hill
Essay on Parshat Mishpatim/ Trumah Holiness
In last week’s portion, Parashat Mishpatim, there are many different laws that are brought down dealing with a variety of monetary, social, criminal, agricultural and other t
Leah’s Blog Feb 11 2016
Just after the Tomb of Josef became a blackened ruin I returned to it one night. What once stood as an enchanted familiar meeting place, the courtyard adorned by the old hearty Mul
Itamar News Updates Feb 05 2016
Itamar enjoyed a visit this week with former Op-ed section of the New York Times editor Mark Horowitz. Mark has come on a fact-finding mission to Israel and was escorted by our dea