Parashat Beraishit – The Divine Plan of Creation – (a written summary)
What a privilege it is to be able to start the Torah from the beginning again. Our beautiful custom of going through the Torah once a year testifies to our endless love for the Tor
Leah’s blog October 2nd 2015 – They Kill We Build
They Kill- We Build Sukkot 2015 Again, almost on the yartzeit of our Rabbi, HaRav Binyamin Herling HY”D who was killed on Har Eval on Hoshana Raba after the Tomb of Yosef HaT
Announcement of Mourning and Shock
With great pain, sorrow, and shock we mourn the brutal murder of Itamar’s high school graduate Eitam and his wife Na’amah Henkin HYD. They were ambushed right outside I