Itamar News Updates Dec 26th 2014
We welcomed two special guests, Bart and Niels – from the Netherlands that came to tour the community and expressed so much love and sincerity towards Israel and the Land. Ma
Leah Goldsmith’s blog
“Ve’emunatcha Baleylot”(With faith at Night)- Mikeitz-Chanukah The portions of Yosef come to light during the darkest days of the year always at the end o
Why do we eat Potato Latkas on Chanuka?
On Itamar there once lived a very special person known as Mark in Russia – but we called him by his birth name Meir’ka (Hebrew meaning to shine). Meir’ka inspired
Itamar News Updates Dec 12 2014
Special thanks to Zbaren family for their love and generosity for our baby Gmach. Mazal Tov to Barak and Sarah Melet on the marriage of their son Amotz this week! Mazal Tov
Itamar News Updates Nov 28th 2014
With tremendous sorrow and pain we announce the passing of Charlotte Krantz z”l (the mother of Leah Goldsmith). Charlotte has spent the last five years living on Itamar. S
Itamar News Updates Nov 14 2014
In the backdrop of an especially volatile time here in Israel, people that are dedicated and steadfast in their conviction for Eretz Yisrael continue to come and show their solidar