Itamar News Updates Feb 22nd 2013
The memorial service for the Fogel family that was massacred two years ago on Itamar was held this week on the 7th of Adar (the very same yartzeit of Moshe Rabbenu). It was a very
Itamar News Updates Feb 15 2013
A very special friend of Itamar, Alan Hirsch was honored in Chevron on the occasion of his 60th Birthday. Mazal Tov to Alan, May Hashem bless and keep you with many many more years
Itamar News Updates February 8th 2013
Itamar welcomed the visit of our dear friend Shoshanna Shilit from Beit Shemesh who brought with her some very special friends that hold Israel very dearly in their hearts –
Itamar News Updates Feb 1 2013
Itamar welcomed the Goldsmith family this week from Brooklyn NY. We want to give a Special thanks to Ron Goldsmith for his volunteer work in America on behalf of Friends of Itamar.