Tu B’shvat Recipe
Tu B’shvat cake recipe (my 16 year old daughter’s) Preheat oven to medium to high temperature Prepare- 2 cups whole wheat organic flour (Itamar’s is the best!) 1
Itamar News January 27th 2012
•On Thursday day night a memorial service was held in the Yeshurun synagogue in Jerusalem for the Fogal family that was massacred on Itamar eleven months ago. The 800 attendants
Parashat Bo 2012 – Understanding the New Moon and its Connection to the Jewish Nation
Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith Shemot Exodus 12 http://youtu.be/z-pxAeI_bT8
Itamar News Januaray 20th 2012
This Coming Thursday the 2nd day of the month of Shevat a memorial service for the Fogal family will be held in Jerusalem in the Yeshurun Synagogue. Since eleven months will have p
Parashat Vaerah 2012 – There Is No Chance In This World Everything Is From Hashem
Rabbi Goldsmith on Exodus 6 http://youtu.be/U1lga_2rkJA
Itamar News January 13th 2012
Itamar welcomed the visit of Rabbi Shmuly Boteach’s newly married daughter Mushky and her husband Arik and Mushky’s sister Chanah who came to visit the community
Parashat Shemot – If I am only for Myself what am I!
Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith on Shemot Exodus Chapter 1
Parashat Shemot – 2012
Parshat Shemot – January 13 2012 The last portions of the book of Bereishit focus on the life and times of Yosef HaTzaddik, of his influence, esteem and excellence in all realms