Itamar News Updates August 31st 2012
Itamar wishes all its children and youth a great and successful school year as they returned this week to their studies after a wonderful summer vacation. Itamar is blessed with ma
New Year Letter From Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith
Dear Friends of Itamar, The highlight of the Rosh Hashana prayers has us beseeching: “Inscribe us in the book of life… grant us life which we will use for Your sake,
Itamar News Updates August 24th 2012
We give a special thanks again to Rabbi Lefkowitz, Eddie and Fern Wunsch , Anshay Chesed and all those who made this amazing summer possible for the Itamar children. This week the
Itamar News Updates August 17 2012
Mazal Tov to Etai and Avital on the brit milah of their son this week. Etai is the Rabbi of the Golani Brigade! Itamar welcomes our friend Elliot Mittman who came to spend a Shab
Itamar News Updates August 10th 2012
Itamar welcomed the visit of Avi and Cheryl Willinger from NJ that came to tour the community. Avi and Cheryl really loved their tour of Itamar and its surroundings, especially the