Shabbat HaGadol- Pesach – 2010
Shabbat HaGadol- Pesach March 26, 2010 Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith The Shabbat before the holiday of Pesach is known as Shabbat Hagadol, the great Shabbat. Many explanations have been
Parshat Tazriah – Mezorah – 2010
Parshat Tazriah – Mezorah March 16, 2010 Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith This week we merit in a double portion of the week Parshiot Tazriah and Mezorah. Interestingly, most of these
Parshat Shemini – 2010
Parshat Shemini March 8, 2010 Leah Goldsmith Please see Shemini 2009 The shalosh regalim, the three major Jewish festivals – 1) Sukkot – when we go out from the solid walls of