Parashat Vayigash – 2009
Parashat Vayigash December 25, 2009 VayiGASH (coming near), GASHmiyut (material bounty) and the Land of GOSHen (the place the tribes set up housekeeping in Egypt), are all of the r
Parasaht Vayeshev – Yosef – 2009
Parasaht Vayeshev December 11, 2009 Yosef’s life wasn’t easy, even from a tender age. When he was a little boy he became orphaned of his mother, which is why his father
Parasaht Vayishlach – Let Our People Grow
Parasaht Vayishlach December 3, 2009 King Solomon in his book of proverbs writes in chapter 26:17 He that passes by, and meddles with strife belonging not to him, is like one that