Itamar News June 26th 2009
June 26, 2009 1. Mazal Tov to Hagar Zar on the birth of another granddaughter this week. Hagar lost her husband Gilad in a terror attack 8 years ago. Their daughter Shirah is now l
Itamar News June 19th 2009
June 19, 2009 1. Mazal Tov to Rabbi Natan and Nurit Chay upon the marriage of their daughter Hodaya. Hodayah together with here new husband Avraham Zepel will be living on Itamar!
Parashat Korach – “Ma-aseh avot siman lebanim” 2009
Korach June 18, 2009 Every story in the Torah tells us something about then and how it applies to now. This is called “Ma-aseh avot siman lebanim”= what happens in the
Itamar News June 12 2009
2. Mazal Tov to Hagar Zar on the marriage of her daughter Hadas this week. Unfortunately, Gilad, the father wasn’t able to attend physically since he was killed by terrorists
Parashat Shelach – The Spies – 2009
Shlach June 11, 2009 Israel is a place that is difficult to describe. It depends on the eyes of one’s mind: if they are open or closed. The portrayal that the spies gave was
Itamar News June 5th 2009
June 5, 2009 1. Itamar welcomes back Rabbi Moshe and Leah Goldsmith from their speaking tour in the States. Enclosed is a picture of Rabbi Goldsmith speaking at the concert held in