Itamar News January 30th 2009
January 30, 2009 1. Mazal Tov to the Tena family on the birth of a granddaughter this week. Their daughter lives on the Itamar Hilltops. We wish them tremendous Hatzlacha and a lot
Parashat Bo 5769
Bo January 28, 2009 The combining of the letters bet and aleph form the name of our parsha, “Bo”. In gematria this equals the number three (aleph being one and bet bein
Itamar News January 16th 2009
4. Please read Leah’s new Torah thoughtfor Shabbat. 5. Please read letter from Mother of soldier number 2. A Mother of a Soldier writes (part 2): If I could I would. But I ca
Parashat Shemot 5769
Shemot January 2009–01–15 Aside from beginning a new book in the Torah, a new era also begins for the people of Israel, as we read in the opening of the Parasha “a new ki
Itamar Updates January 9th 2009
January 9, 2009 1. Mazal Tov to the Damari family on the wedding of their son Orel this week! We wish them tremendous happiness and success. Orel is an officer in the Israeli army.