Special Report – Itamar Resident Saved Miraculously
Tonight the community of Itamar held a special thanksgiving celebration as one of its dear residents was miraculously saved from of a mob of Arabs rioting in the village of Hawarah. He was on the way back home to Itamar from Ariel after going shopping for his large family of eight children. He was purposely blocked from driving on when an ambulance drove into his lane. The ambulance driver left his vehicle and joined in the attackers by kicking and throwing rocks and boulders at his car. Thank G-D our precious resident made it home safely to Itamar! At the community celebration tonight, he told the story.
He mentioned that as he was driving through the village he felt that he must say a special thanksgiving prayer called “Nishmat Kol Chai” that we say on the Shabbat – literally seconds later he found himself in a life threatening situation and was saved with the mercy of Hashem. After the evening prayer service Rabbi Chay, Itamar’s head Rabbi, told the community to say the prayer Nishmat Kol Chay without knowing that it was already said on the road.
The Itamar leadership is having an emergency meeting with the army head of the area to demand a response to the terrible situation on our roads. This week there were three other violent demonstrations in the same village Hawarah which is the major route leading to our community. The time is now to stand with the Friends of Itamar in showing your love and support.
Shabbat Shalom – share this message to all your friends!!!!!!!
Missy Martin
Mad that this happened, but very thankful that he was saved.