Friends of Itamar

GeneralItamar News Updates October 23rd 2012

Itamar News Updates October 23rd 2012

Mazal tov to Michal and Alex Zukerman on the birth of their second son!  width=The brit milah will be held G-D willing this Wednesday on Itamar.   Special blessings to – Eliyahu and Ala Zuckerman and Rabbi Moshe and Leah Goldsmith -the proud grandparents. Congratulations to the great grandparents as well – Charlotte Krantz who has four generations on Itamar! And Lester and Jeanette Goldsmith from NY.

Mazal tov to Yitro and Miriam Asheri width= on the marriage of their daughter Zipporah to Matan.

Mazal tov to Bat Shevah and Chanan Alexander on the brit Milah of their two boys this week.

A special meeting was held with the Itamar council and committee heads with a team from the Ariel University in order to begin drafting a five year plan for the development of the Itamar community. The goal is to double the size of the community within five years! With all our houses taken, we are planning to build a lot more in the coming months.

Itamar was happy to host three groups this week from abroad. Most of the visitors were from the USA and Canada but there were also visitors from other countries as well like England, Norway, Holland, New Zealand, Switzerland, Denmark and more. One group was part of the  width=Yovel Program that comes every year to work on different farms in Judea and Samaria during the grape picking season. A second group was led by  by Rabbi Chaim Richman width= head of the Temple Institute.  A third small group-led by Boaz Haetzni  width=and Professor Martin Sherman, a prominent journalist and writer for the Jerusalem Post,  the Barish family from the USA, and visitors from Israel, Denmark, Panama and the USA.

Today the 7th of the month of Cheshvon we begin praying for rain in Israel – May Hashem bless Israel with an amazing rainy season that will fill up the Sea of the Galilee and all of Israel’s reservoirs. Itamar , as and agricultural community, is greatly affected by the amount of rainfall. Please join with us in praying!

Enjoy Rabbi Goldsmith’s Torah lesson on Parashat Noach

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