Itamar News Updates Nov 28th 2014
With tremendous sorrow and pain we announce the passing of Charlotte Krantz z”l (the mother of Leah Goldsmith). Charlotte has spent the last five years living on Itamar. She was a source of light and inspiration to the entire community. May Leah Goldsmith and her family be consoled together with the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem!
Yashar Koach to the Itamar community who sent a group of residents including youth to console the families of the terrible Har Nof massacre and presented them with a heartwarming letter and chocolate candy declaring our solidarity and love to our brothers and sisters.
Itamar has been blessed for the last few weeks with many visitors. We recently hosted Aaron Huhim and his family from the USA – Serena, Paul, Bradly and Steven Olson. They has a great time touring the community and learning about the historical and religious significance of this part of the land of Israel.
A warm welcome to Ann Stacey who has visited Itamar in the past a number of times with the AFSI organization she brought a very special group with her most of them were from the USA lead by John Somerville. May Hashem bless them for their great love of Israel.
Another small group visited this week, despite the stormy, weather from Little Rock Arkansas. They heard a lecture about the community but couldn’t see much of it because of the heavy rain and fog that blanketed Itamar.
This Shabbat the annual youth movement weekend of the Bnei Akivah youth association will be held throughout Israel. Here on Itamar a special Shabbat program will take place beginning with a joint Shabbat service with the entire community in the new synagogue. On Shabbat morning a Kiddush will take place for the entire community as well. The ceremony and flag demonstration will take place as usual on Motzay Shabbat. We want to thank our youth counselors and youth leader for doing an amazing job in instilling spirit and pride in our young generation.
The fall rains brought a great blessing to Israel as the Sea of the Galilee has risen a few inches. We continue to pray for rain and ask Hashem to fill up all our reservoirs to the very top this year. Enjoy the pictures!
Mazal tov to the Avitan family on the engagement of their daughter Rivkah! Mazal tov the the Ronski and Beit El families on the birth of daughters. Mazal Tov to the Liphshitz family on the bar Mitzvah of their son Shmuel. Mazal Tov to the Finegold family on their son beginning to put on tefilin as customary when getting close to Bar Mitzvah.
Watch Rabbi Goldsmith Torah lesson for the week – dedicated in the memory of his mother-in-law – Charlotte Krantz.
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