Friends of Itamar

Current EventsItamar News Updates July 17th 2015

Itamar News Updates July 17th 2015

We welcomed the visit of Yishai Rivlin, Zeev Green, Ortal Tammam and Norman Kaufman who came to learn about what life is like on Itamar. Ortal, a fifth year medical student in Ben-Gurion University lost her uncle back in 1984 when he was kidnapped and murdered in a terror attack. Believe it or not – the city of Haifa is planning on allowing the showing of a play that portrays the life of this terrorist. Ortal has been battling against the showing of this play for the last two months and will G-D willing succeed in stopping this madness. Norman is a student from Georgetown University and Washington DC and is studying foreign affairs. Both were very moved by their visit which was an eye-opening experience for them. IMG_5243

We would like to thank Eric Leibman of Portland Oregon for initiating a walkathon in the Portland area for Itamar’s farmers. Every mile he is walking, after a triple bypass (!) is for sponsoring the organic farmers that have dedicated their lives to restoring the Shomron as an important contributor to organic food consumers, an ever growing group of people here in Israel. Yashar Koach, Eric! Eric brings to mind the verse “G-d does notice us and watch over us but it is through another person that He meets our needs! “May Hashem give you many more years of healthy walking to only smachot!

The Itamar summer program is in full swing and our children are enjoying a beautiful summer. Special thanks to our dear friend Eddie Wuntch who is working hard in trying to help sponsor this summer program לוריאand for all of our wonderful sponsors for this program. Rabbit



















We would also like to thank Lisa Walker of Tacoma Washington for all of her dedicated work to Friends of Itamar over the years and mazal tov on her entering ole mitzvoth! Lisa does many acts of kindness every day, for neighbors and friends that live far away – may she be encircled in chesed always!IMG_4470













We would like to remind you that we have a FB page- itamarisraelsupportgroup. It has over 4,500 likes! With your help we can double that by the end of the summer- please share with your friends!

Please read the following letter of appeal for our farmers. We are trying to raise the funds to help them get back on their feet so that next year, when the Sabbatical year is over, they will be able to get back to work. For the past year they have been struggling to survive financially and need our kind assistance. It goes without saying that there is no better way of connecting with the land then working it!


Watch Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith’s new Torah lesson for the week

Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov from Itamar Israel! Shabbat Candle lighting time on Itamar 7:20 PM




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