Friends of Itamar

Current EventsItamar News updates January 13 2017

Itamar News updates January 13 2017

With some planning and patience vegetable gardens are beautiful and bring us close to the earth. Here on Itamar we value the earth and are teaching our young generation how to get started. They prepare the soil after clearing an area of stones, debris branches and add manure from the animal farms into the ground, rake and till and of course, learn to install an automatic watering system. The kids learn to also care and maintain for their crops through the growing season as weeds and insects can cause damage. The vegetables not only enhance the landscape but learning to be self -sufficient through farming is probably one of the most rewarding things you can learn to do. Enjoy the pictures of our youth planting new seedlings of peas and garlic!  width= width=

This week our High School – Chitzim, had a special Masah(trip)- the Israel March- in memory of Rabbi Eitan Henkin who was a former student here at our Yeshiva in Itamar and was horrifically murdered with his wife Naama HYD” right outside our community last year.- The boys in our school learned the value of friendship and navigation on a higher level, trekking through the Negev Desert. width=








We had special guests visiting – Chava Segal and Davida Respler learning in MMY this year came to spend Shabbat. They will take their Itamar experience back to Midrasha and hopefully the school will decide to take a whole busload of girls to enjoy a tour of Itamar- Gem of the Hills too!  width=

Alan Nussbaum, an old friend, brought friends, David Danzer and Dan   who all came from Jerusalem to enjoy the rural rolling green hills here and get some fresh organic eggs and goat yogurts! width=

Benjamin Glatt a photographer for the Jerusalem Post was here preparing for a feature article about Itamar that will come out next week. width=








Enjoy the sunset and rainbow pictures. width=  width= width=








Enjoy Rabbi Moshe’s Torah

Shabbat Shalom!

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