Friends of Itamar

Itamar NewsItamar News January 13th 2012

Itamar News January 13th 2012


  • Itamar welcomed the visit of Rabbi Shmuly Boteach’s newly married daughter Mushky and her husband Arik and Mushky’s sister Chanah who came to visit the community this week. They toured Itamar and got to see the  width=
  • Itamar Chabad center managed by Yechezkel and Hedi Nuemah on the Itamar hilltop of Alumot. As a matter of fact, the center has a wall which is a replica of the wall in Crown Heights at 770 Eastern Pkwy. Enjoy the picture!




  • Unfortunately, the Israeli police destroyed our Givat Aryeh hilltop again. Building the land of Israel requires a tremendous amount of stubbornness. As Harav Tzvi Yehudah Kook said there will come a time when we will need nerves of steel! width= width=
  • Enjoy the picture of the happy soldiers on Itamar after they received drinks and cake from our community and friends.




  •  Special thanks to our dear friend Alan Nussbaum who loves Itamar and every time he comes he wants to do something for our soldiers.
  • Read Leah’s new Torah thought for the week.
  • Watch Rabbi Goldsmith’s new lesson on the torah portion of Shemot where he talks about the importance of reaching out and feeling for others and not hiding in the confines of your home.


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