Parashat Chayay Sarah Abraham the proactive and Isaac the passive
Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith on Genesis Chapter 24:1
Parshat Lech Lecha – 2011
Parshat Lech Lecha November 4 2011 Leah Goldsmith Much of the book of Genesis is devoted to the stories of the lives of our Patriarchs and Matriarchs, what they did and also wher
Parashat Noach – 2011
Parshat Noach October 29 2011 In last week’s parsha, man made a vow to guard the garden and keep it. Ten generations later we witness the total moral crumbling of mankind. No
Ve’emunatcha Baleylot”- Mikeitz-Chanukah – 2010
“Ve’emunatcha Baleylot”- Mikeitz-Chanukah December 3, 2010 Leah Goldsmith The portions of Yosef come to light during the darkest days of the year always at the
Parshat Vayeshev – 2010
Parshat Vayeshev November 26 2010 Leah Goldsmith Dear readers- As I turned on my faucet to get ready for Shabbat – I really almost looked up into it to see if water would come
Parshat Vayishlach – 2010
Parshat Vayishlach November 19 2010 Leah Goldsmith Our Rabbis tell us, Ma’aseh avot siman lebanim- What happens to the fathers is a sign of what will happen to the future g
Parshat Chaye Sarah – 2010
Parshat Chaye Sarah October 30, 2010 Leah Goldsmith Chazal tell us that Yitzchak mourned for his mother three years. This is outstanding in that a person generally mourns for a s