Parshat Chukat-Torah thoughts on current events – 2010
Parshat Chukat-Torah thoughts on current events June 18, 2010 Leah Goldsmith The world revolves on an even axis of mercy and judgment. These are the two legs that support the wor
Parshat Shlach – 2010
Parshat Shlach June 6, 2010 For those of you who wish to hear mussar- read my old torahs from 2009, 2008. One very outstanding feature I noticed, going back to New York for visits
Parshat Beha’alotcha – 2010
Parshat Beha’alotcha May 29 2010 Leah Goldsmith G-d created a world whose inner essence is holiness. But in order to have access to it, one must first be able to discern an
Parshat BaMidbar – 2010
Parshat BaMidbar May 16 2010 Leah Goldsmith The essence of Am Yisrael is one. The individual soul of each person is combined with all the souls into one soul bound under the heaven
Parashat Pinchas – “Honoring Heaven” – 2009
Pinchas July 10, 2009 “Honoring Heaven” Has drama taken an upscale since Hollywood came on the scene, or were people always attracted to the stage? The emotionalism one
Parashat Balak – Anti-Semitism – 2009
Balak July 1, 2009 Anti-Semitism is a real phenomenon. What gives it power is the failure of people to identify it. Balak is a powerful leader that seeks to bring Am Yisrael down t
Parashat Korach – “Ma-aseh avot siman lebanim” 2009
Korach June 18, 2009 Every story in the Torah tells us something about then and how it applies to now. This is called “Ma-aseh avot siman lebanim”= what happens in the
Parashat Shelach – The Spies – 2009
Shlach June 11, 2009 Israel is a place that is difficult to describe. It depends on the eyes of one’s mind: if they are open or closed. The portrayal that the spies gave was
Parashat Pinchas
Parshat Pinchas July 18, 2008 In the late 1800’s an officer in the British army and an avid researcher of biblical sites, by the name of Charles Wilson published an important
Parashat Balak
Parshat Balak July 11, 2008 King Balak forms a union with the neighboring nations in order to attack Am Yisrael. Much publicity has been given to the great and mighty nation that b