Parshat Bechukotay – 2011
Parshat Bechukotay May 20, 2011 Leah Goldsmith Most of the counting of the omer takes place in Iyar (May). This is also the month that Shlomo Hamelech began to build the Beit HaMik
Parshat Emor – 2010
Parshat Emor April 29 2010 Leah Goldsmith When someone gets an idea in an instant flash, with the twinkle of an eye he envisions how it will look in its completed form. When the
Parshat Tazriah – Mezorah – 2010
Parshat Tazriah – Mezorah March 16, 2010 Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith This week we merit in a double portion of the week Parshiot Tazriah and Mezorah. Interestingly, most of these
Parshat Shemini – 2010
Parshat Shemini March 8, 2010 Leah Goldsmith Please see Shemini 2009 The shalosh regalim, the three major Jewish festivals – 1) Sukkot – when we go out from the solid walls of