Leah’s Blog- Memorial Day 2015
As we stand silent remembering the fallen soldiers and victims of terror my thoughts turn to an ocean of tears of too many people I have come to know over our 30 years here on I
Leah’s Blog April 16th 2015
Leah’s Blog April 16 2015 There are years that Holocaust Memorial Day falls exactly on my birthday. Not this year, but I wonder, looking back, if this was any consolation to
Itamar News Updates Feb 20th 2015
Itamar is covered in white for the second time this year! It is a beautiful Rosh Chodesh delight and of course we enjoy prancing in the snow- much of it untouched because of the ru
Leah’s Blog Parashat Lech Lecha Oct 31 2014
Much of the book of Genesis is devoted to the stories of the lives of our Patriarchs and Matriarchs, what they did and also where their particular trials and achievements happened.
Parshat Noach – Leah Goldsmith
In last week’s parsha, man made a vow to guard the garden and keep it. Ten generations later we witness the total moral crumbling of mankind. No-one is guarding or keeping an
Parashat Bereishit
Bereishit The ultimate aim in the creation of man was that he should strive to emulate G-d by following His attributes, like by being compassionate, giving and having a posi
Parshat Ki Tavo
Parshat Ki Tavo “V’haya Ki Tavo el Ha’aretz” – “When you come into the Land”. (Dvarim 26:1) Being that this parsha falls on the
Leah’s blog Aug 4th – Erev Tisha B’av
Leah’s Blog – Tisha B’Av and Living in the Protective Edge A place I like to visit is a little bend at the bottom of the road that winds around the ample body of Moun
Leah’s Blog July 25th 2014
There is a little blue glass bowl I have, a permanent fixture on our kitchen table, always full of sweet candy. After noticing that it is always full, no-one ever ask
Leah’s Blog – Reflections on the disengagement
My Blog- The hot Summer of 2014 It is almost a decade ago that our family took an unforgettable bus ride into what was soon to be the demolished Gush Katif. It was a last opportuni