Leah’s Blog Feb 11 2016
Just after the Tomb of Josef became a blackened ruin I returned to it one night. What once stood as an enchanted familiar meeting place, the courtyard adorned by the old hearty Mul
Leah’s Blog January 29th 2016
Leah’s Blog – Yitro- January 29 2016 My grandmother Alvina had orange eyes and a strong German accent. More than the color of her eyes, it was the twinkle in them that got
Leah’s Blog Tu Bishvat 2016
Leah’s Blog – Tu B’Shvat January 23 2016 Our earliest neighbors here on Itamar were (and are) organic farmers. Back in those days, for all of us though, regardless of
Leah’s Blog – Jan 15 2016
Leah’s Blog “Bo” January 15, 2016 My jetlag is finally ebbing away. It was very redeeming, waking up in the blackest part of pre dawn- 4 AM
Leah’s Blog Nov 20th 2015
Leah’s Blog – November 20, 2015 I pulled out our living room windows today. I was right in the middle of the frenzy of this day, like any other Friday – pots simmering on
Leah’s Blog Oct 23 2015
Leah’s Blog October 23 2015 I was picking olives when all the winds in the world tried to knock the trees down. It has been one terror attack after the next,
Leah’s Blog – Joseph Is in Flames Again
I woke up this morning to an acrid smell of smoke and fire. The shootings and screams are a nightly occurance- you hear them as the wind blows their echoes but you also learn to sc
Leah’s blog October 2nd 2015 – They Kill We Build
They Kill- We Build Sukkot 2015 Again, almost on the yartzeit of our Rabbi, HaRav Binyamin Herling HY”D who was killed on Har Eval on Hoshana Raba after the Tomb of Yosef HaT
Leah’s Blog Yom Kippur Message 2015
Leah’s Blog September 21, 2015 A story that Reb Shlomo Carlebach once told gave me more mussar than any shiur I had ever been to. I want to share it with you now before Y
Leah’s Blog Sept 4th 2015
Leah’s blog September 4 2015 So, zeh – hoo, as they say in Hebrew. This is it. Coming to an end of a whole year, I look into the hot blue never changing sky waiting