Itamar News May 23rd 2008
May 23, 2008 1. Mazal Tov to Meir and Rinat Cabra upon the engagement of their daughter Orli this week. Itamar wishes them much happiness and success! May they build a Bayit NeR
Itamar News May 16th 2008
May 16, 2008 1. Itamar had the pleasure of hosting Rabbi David Stern together with a group of singles now living in Jerusalem that moved to Israel recently. They came to spend Shab
Itamar News May 9th 2008
We celebrated our community’s 24th birthday this week on Independence Day. It was a beautiful celebration. We had an out door evening dinner for the entire community. Next ye
Itamar News May 2nd 2008
May 2, 2008 1. Itamar held the final stage of the Bible Contest this week. Mazal Tov to the winners Eliyahu Mishulami, Rabbanit Rekenati, and Kinarti together with all the particip
Itamar News April 25th 2008
April 25, 2008 1. Safta Charlotte Krantz burns the last of the chametz on Itamar. Charlotte, the mother of Leah Goldsmith, has been a loyal friend of Itamar for the last 22 years.
Itamar News April 11th 2008
April 11, 2008 1. Itamar is speechless over the tremendous Chesed of our dear friends Allan and Barbara Hirsch. In their merit for the last 8 years around 800 families in need from
Itamar News April 4th 2008
April 4, 2008 Three girls were born on Itamar this week all from the same hilltop called Givat Arnon over looking the Jordan valley! Mazal Tov to The Tuaf, Segal, and Recheli famil
Itamar News March 28th 2008
March 28, 2008 1. Mazal Tov to the new young couple Hadar & Mordechai Mintz who were married last night. Hadar was born on Kfar Darom in Gush Katif– one of the communities th
Itamar News March 21st 2008
March 21, 2008 1. Itamar wishes a happy Purim to all its wonderful friends! 2. Mazal Tov to the Goldbergers on the Brit Milah of their new born son. 3. Best wishes to Yishay Chemo