Special thanks to Alan And Barabara Hirsch
Friends of Itamar in conjunction with the Bnei Israel Matzoh Fund would like to personally thank Alan and Barabara Hirsch and all of you who made it possible again for us to person
Leah’s Blog Pesach 2021
Pesach 2021 Leaning on my overflowing wagon, I escape the supermarket busting in its full glory of bounty and people streaming up and down the aisle like balls in a pinball machine
The Blessing over the Trees on Itamar
In this month the Hebrew month of Nissan, it is our custom to bless over the fruit trees where we praise Hashem “for creating a world that lacks nothing bearing good creation
Leah’s Blog – Parashat Ki Tisa
Ki Tissa 2021 Even before Babylon came crashing down unto Jerusalem, before her outer walls were even ruptured, King Yehoshiyahu took the broken and whole tablets that Moshe Rabbei