Leah’s Blog Parashat Vayera
Vayera October 2021 Is history comprised of outstanding individuals who shaped events with their abilities and chutzpah, or is it a tide sweeping over places in the world, wi
Leah’s Blog – THE BRIDE– the book of Bereishit 2021
Throughout all the generations, the book of Bereishit has been the beating heart of the Torah. The stories told here are great and wondrous, they are love stories. Hither in the La
Leah’s Blog Parashat Ki Tavo 2021
Ki Tavo August 2021 “V’haya ki tavo el Haaretz” (When you come into the Land) (Dvarim 26:1) Our parsha focuses on layers of time, about recalling deliveranc
Leah’s Blog Parashat Ki Tetzeh 2021
Ki Tetzeh August 2021 Sometime in the earlier years here when things were raw and at times painful to the degree of unbearable, people from around the world started venturing out t