Itamar’s News Updates July 7th 2019
This week there was a very special event in Zichron Yaakov – special friends of Itamar – Aaron and Hodayah Huhem who after a first-born girl were blessed over the last few
Leah’s Blog June 21 2019
Parshat Shlach 2019 Engraved into the landscape of the hills of Israel’s heartland are the ancient faded stone walls made for terrace farming that was practiced here thousand
Leah’s Blog Shavuot 2019
Shavuot – 2019 The redemption is an ongoing process and a difficult one. It requires a high level of patience, kind of like waiting for bread to rise. Leaving the oven of Egy
Itamar News Updates May 31st 2019
Today is the 41st day of the Omer counting know in kabalistic literature as the Yesod of the Yesod – (Foundation of Foundation) Referring to the attribute of Yosef Hatzaddik.
Itamar’s News Updates May 24th 2019
This week we enjoyed the visit of the Saul, Julia, Leeba, and Esther Erlbaum family from Flushing Queens. Itamar had a beautiful Lag Baomer celebration despite the extremely hot we
Leah’s Blog Lag Baomer 2019
Lag Ba’Omer 2019 Almost forty years ago our dear friend Gilad Zar (hy”d) who was a land surveyor at the time, approached an Arab that lived close to the tomb of Itamar