Itamar News Updates Nov 25th 2016
Itamar News November 25, 2016 First of all we are all very concerned about the outbreak of arson incidents attacking Israel with over a thousand sources of fire related terror inci
Itamar News Updates Nov 18th 2016
Itamar continues to enjoy a wave of visitors! This week we welcomed our dear friends Rico, Yolanda, and Tito Cortez from the USA who brought a very special group to tour our commun
Itamar News Updates November 11th 2016
First and foremost Friends of Itamar would like to say a Mazal Tov to Mr.Donald Trump on his win for the Presidency of the United States. We wish Donald Trump and Mike Pence tremen
Leah’s Blog November 11th 2016
As the sun is about to sink into a mid- November apricot sky, the landscape and the beautiful air I would love to describe will have to wait because there are more important things
Itamar News Updates Oct 28th 2016
This past holiday Itamar was blessed with many visitors that came from all over Israel and from outside Israel to experience Succot on Itamar. Itamar’s magnetic force is grow