Itamar News Updates Jan 22 2016
Itamar News January 23rd 2016 Itamar welcomed The Johnsons from Dallas this week. Ginny and Sarah Johnson are planning on bringing women’s groups on tour to Israel and sha
Essay On Parshat Bishalach – Who is “Serach”
“Moshe said to the people, “Remember this day, when you went out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage, for with a mighty hand, Hashem took you out of here, and no leav
Leah’s Blog Tu Bishvat 2016
Leah’s Blog – Tu B’Shvat January 23 2016 Our earliest neighbors here on Itamar were (and are) organic farmers. Back in those days, for all of us though, regardless of
Itamar News Updates Jan 15 2016
With the recent authorization of our city plan by the Israeli government, Itamar has begun a very important project – the building of a nursery for our children. This is great ne
Essay on Parashat BO – Did Pharaoh have free will?
German 1900th century philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche in his book Twilight of the Idols writes ” Today we no longer have any pity for the concept of “free will&
Leah’s Blog – Jan 15 2016
Leah’s Blog “Bo” January 15, 2016 My jetlag is finally ebbing away. It was very redeeming, waking up in the blackest part of pre dawn- 4 AM
Itamar News Updates January 1 2016
Itamar welcomes Moshe and Leah Goldsmith back from their important mission abroad for Itamar. Leah and Moshe spent an entire month running around the USA planting many important se