Essay On Parashat Chayay Sarah
Looking at world statistics one will find that the not only the average age of marriage has risen to an all-time high but the numbers of never married adults is also breaking all t
Parashat Vayerah – Understanding Angels
As people that live in the corporeal world, we are not accustomed to experience the supernatural. Nevertheless, growing up in an orthodox world of Torah we are exposed from a very
Leah’s Blog Oct 23 2015
Leah’s Blog October 23 2015 I was picking olives when all the winds in the world tried to knock the trees down. It has been one terror attack after the next,
Itamar News Updates Oct 23 2015
Itamar blesses the recent decision of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to authorize our city plan. Our community was founded back on Independence Day of 1984. The lesson from this
Parshat Lech Licha – The Double Role of Abraham
Living in the backyard of where this week’s Torah portion, Parshat Lech Lichah, takes place is such a precious gift that cannot be taken for granted. It is amazing how just t
Leah’s Blog – Joseph Is in Flames Again
I woke up this morning to an acrid smell of smoke and fire. The shootings and screams are a nightly occurance- you hear them as the wind blows their echoes but you also learn to sc