Itamar News Updates August 8th 2014
A special welcome to our Itamar soldiers that have returned home from the battle field. This makes Shabbat Nachamu all the more special! Of course, the backdrop of Hamas renewing i
Leah’s blog Aug 4th – Erev Tisha B’av
Leah’s Blog – Tisha B’Av and Living in the Protective Edge A place I like to visit is a little bend at the bottom of the road that winds around the ample body of Moun
Itamar News Updates August 1st 2014
A special evening supper and meeting was held this week for the families on Itamar that their husbands are in the battlefield in Gaza. The community wanted to treat them to positiv
Essay for Shabbat Chazon and Tisha B’av 2014
We want to thank our dear friends who are continuing to pray for our soldiers and for the welfare of Israel. Here on Itamar it is very hard for all of us – many of our young men
Itamar New’s Updates July 25 2014
Itamar wishes all its young soldiers that are fighting on the front lines in Gaza a Shabbat Shalom! May Hashem watch over them and protect them. We are asking for all our friends t
Leah’s Blog July 25th 2014
There is a little blue glass bowl I have, a permanent fixture on our kitchen table, always full of sweet candy. After noticing that it is always full, no-one ever ask