Itamar New Updates Oct 8th 2014
We want to wish all our dear friends of Itamar a Chag Sameach! We are so happy to announce that Itamar continues to grow and blossom. This coming Sunday day a long awaited event is
Come and Celebrate a Special Succoth Event With Us
Friends of Itamar invite you to celebrate with our community a unique Succoth happening, the inauguration of Yishuv Itamar’s first permanent synagogue! Come and enjoy an enti
Itamar News Updates Sep 24th 2014
We want to wish you all our dear Friends of Itamar a happy, sweet and healthy New Year. May the coming year bring you all blessing and prosperity in all your endeavors. We want to
Itamar News Updates Sep 12 2014
Friends of Itamar wishes Rabbi Moshe and Leah Goldsmith tremendous success on their speaking tour in the USA. We look forward for their safe return home next week. &n
Parshat Ki Tavo
Parshat Ki Tavo “V’haya Ki Tavo el Ha’aretz” – “When you come into the Land”. (Dvarim 26:1) Being that this parsha falls on the
Parshat Shoftim – Leah Goldsmith
“Parshat Shoftim” “When you shall besiege a city for a long time in making war against it to take it, you shall not destroy its trees by forcing an axe aga
Itamar News Updates Aug 22nd 2014
The Itamar youth continue to bring our community pride and joy. Enjoy the pictures of them visiting a senior’s home in Ariel bringing happiness and love to the elderly. The