Succot holiday learning how to bind the four species
Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith on the four species
Vezot HaBracha – This is the blessing – 2010
Vezot HaBracha – This is the blessing 2010 September 22, 2010 Leah Goldsmith This is the last parsha of the Torah. It is also the last day of Moshe Rabbeinu’s life. He st
Rosh Hashana the connection between the Shofar and Sarah
Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith’s thoughts on the New Year
Rosh Hashana – The Time of Your Life – 2010
Rosh Hashana – The Time of Your Life September 8, 2010 If Pesach’s design is to set one’s house in order and remember leaving Egypt, the ten Days of Repentance beginn
Parshat Matot – Masey – 2010
Parshat Matot – Masey July 8, 2010 Leah Goldsmith “And the Lord spoke to Moshe saying: Command the Children of Israel and say to them, when you come into the Land of Kena
Parshat Chukat-Torah thoughts on current events – 2010
Parshat Chukat-Torah thoughts on current events June 18, 2010 Leah Goldsmith The world revolves on an even axis of mercy and judgment. These are the two legs that support the wor
Parshat Shlach – 2010
Parshat Shlach June 6, 2010 For those of you who wish to hear mussar- read my old torahs from 2009, 2008. One very outstanding feature I noticed, going back to New York for visits
Parshat Beha’alotcha – 2010
Parshat Beha’alotcha May 29 2010 Leah Goldsmith G-d created a world whose inner essence is holiness. But in order to have access to it, one must first be able to discern an
Parshat BaMidbar – 2010
Parshat BaMidbar May 16 2010 Leah Goldsmith The essence of Am Yisrael is one. The individual soul of each person is combined with all the souls into one soul bound under the heaven
Parshat Emor – 2010
Parshat Emor April 29 2010 Leah Goldsmith When someone gets an idea in an instant flash, with the twinkle of an eye he envisions how it will look in its completed form. When the