Parashat Vayikrah (connected to parashat Pikudey)
Pekudey- Vayikra March 14, 2008 Dedicated to the Kdoshim meMercaz Harav The tabernacle was built and dismantled many times on the journey through the desert. Mainly, this is the th
Itamar News March 14th 2008
March 14, 2008 Itamar expresses its condolences to the families of the precious boys that were massacred in Yeshivat Mercaz Haarav last week. A brother of one of the boys learns in
Dear Readers, A few years ago, my husband and I and some of our children went to demonstrate against the disengagement from Gaza- what in essence was actualized in the dismantling
Itamar News February 22 2008
4. Yitro Asheri is looking to write another Sefer Torah. Anyone interested in purchasing a Torah for their community please contact us.
Tu B’Shvat
Tu B’Shvat January 24, 2008 On Tu B’Shvat the source of potential growth in all spheres of life awakens. The tree in the field stands bare exposed to cold, wind, and ra
Parashat Beshalach
Parashat Beshalach January 18, 2008 When reaching the pinnacle of the Exodus, the splitting of the Red Sea, we can’t help but ask how did Bnei Yisrael continue to complain af
Itamar News January 18th 2008
January 18, 2008 1. Itamar is getting ready for the big event this coming Monday January 21st 2008, the celebration of the Hachnasat sefer Torah in memory of the five Itamar childr
Parashat Bo
Parashat Bo Thursday, January 10, 2008 In the tractate of Sanhedrin 111A our Rabbis criticize the behavior of Moshe Rabeynu and praise the actions of our forefathers. The Talmud ex