Itamar News November 7th 2008
November 7, 2008 1. Mazal Tov To Orel Damari and Yosef Yotam Yamin on the completion of their officers training course. Both young residents of Itamar are working very hard in the
Lech Lecha 5769
Lech Lecha November 6, 2008 People like to be in control of their lives. They have their date books all planned out, their weeks scheduled and like to know what will be… But ther
Bereishet 5769
Bereishet- Noach 2008–10–31 Hashem looked into the Torah and created the world. From this concept we understand that the Torah comes before everything in all circumstances. The
Itamar News October 31 2008
October 31, 2008 1. This week there was an attempted infiltration by four terrorists to enter our community. The terrorists opened fire on our patrol jeep. Thank G-D the quick resp
Itamar News October 17th 2008
October 17, 2008 1. Mazal Tov to the Rakinati family on the Brit Milah of their eight day old son Aaron! Another important new addition to Itamar. 2. Itamar welcomes the family who
Succoth 5769
A Blessing for the Fruit of the Trees – Succoth 5769 The secret of the Four Species The great Cabalist and student of the famous Ramchal, Harav Moshe David Wali, was an author of
Yom Kippur 5769
Yom Kippur message Oct. 8th 2008 Tet Tishtay 5769 Seemingly, this week’s Parasha has a strange beginning as it opens with “And Moses went and spoke these words to all I
Itamar News October 8th 2008
October 8, 2008 1. This past Shabbat Itamar celebrated a very special Brit! Eliyhu and Rinana Miller had their first son. Both Eliyahu and Rinana are children that lost their fathe
Rosh Hashanah 5769
Rosh Hashanah Thoughts 5769 In a world that we balance our lives between the practical accomplishments of our goals and spiritually yearning for the unreachable, Elul is a time tha
Rosh Hashana Recipe
Rosh Hashana 2008– I’m sure you’re already racking your brains out trying to figure out what to make for the chag. I know I am. Well, we start with the simanim (symbo