Parashat Vayeshev
Parashat Vayeshev November 29, 2007 In these last parshiyot, through the examples of Dina and Yoseph, the substance of Shechem is revealed into 2 separate streams of consciousness.
November 29th 2007
November 29, 2007 1. Special request! G-d willing Itamar will be celebrating the Hachnasat Sefer Torah on January 21st. We need help in finishing this important project. We are pla
Itamar News November 22nd 2007
November 22, 2007 3. Mazal Tov to Yaakov and Shirah ben Pinchas on the Brit milah of their son Yoav Yitzchak. 4. Mazal Tov to the Shushan family upon the engagement of their dau
Itamar News November 16th 2007
a fantastic time in activating the younger groups. 4) A picture of an ancient oak tree on Har Kabir(near Elon More and Itamar) native to the Shomron. Pay attention to the width of
Parashat Chayeh Sarah
Parashat Chayeh Sarah November 1, 2007 Abraham and Sarah, the founding “parents” of the Jewish people are the first in the world to sanctify G-d’s name. Living a
Itamar News November 1st 2007
November 1, 2007 3.A memorial service was held on Thursday for Matan Zagron who sacrificed his life at a bus stop in Ariel a few years ago. A terrorist threatened to blow up exp