Matan Zagron z”l
Matan, dear son, loved by your family, and Yishuv Itamar Born – 4 Cheshvan \תשמ”א killed – 21 Cheshvan תשס”ג
Itamar High School Massacre and Shabo Family Massacre First-hand Account
Tammuz 5762 (June 2002) Dear Friends, My name is Moshe Goldsmith. I am a rabbi at the yeshiva high school at Itamar and a resident of the settlement of Itamar for the last 17 yea
Ateret Cohanim mourns the murder of our yeshiva graduate, Yossi Tuito, of Itamar
Friends remember him as a strong, stable, and very happy personality – the type who manages to smile when everyone else is tense and frustrated. Although quiet and determined, he